Alexa, they are the women I grew up with
Three-channel video installation with smart home,
video duration 26’13”, 2022

To replace the absence of women in the home, artificially intelligent appliances with female voices are now pampering the domestic environment. Domestic technologies designed to assist with household chores perpetuate traditional gender roles, reflecting societal expectations of nurturing and caregiving roles. Through personal narratives and observations, it becomes evident that AI—far from neutral—mirrors and amplifies biases.

Made possible with the help of Fonds Kwadraat.

video available per request

Alexa, they are the women I grew up, Installed in the graduation show 2022, photographed by Joris van den EindenAlexa, they are the women I grew up with, Installed in the graduation show 2022, photographed by Joris van den Einden

Alexa, they are the women I grew up with, Installed in the graduation show 2022, photographed by Joris van den Einden

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